Safeguarding Children at the 59th Sheffield
Home – BB Partnership agreement
What we ask of parents:
- Pick up on time – officers are concentrating on collection at these times, and have other sections to look after later on
- Never send an unknown person to pick up without informing an Officer at drop-off time.
- Keep contact details up to date – in the unlikely event of an accident it is vital you can be contacted, especially mobile numbers which can often change
Our commitment:
- Wear photo ID badges at all times and uniform where possible – some officers do not live close to Sheffield and often have to arrive straight from work, and in case an officer is taking a section they are not regularly connected to
- Photos displayed in porch – so parents and members can identify officers
- Demonstrate good practice in safeguarding on parade night, events and camp – all officers carry and follow the official BB safeguarding advice
- Keep up to date with training and qualifications – all currently hold up-to-date registrations (and hence CRB checks), and Camp and Holiday Leadership and Camp Craft qualifications as appropriate.
Appendix 1 – BBUK advice from Safety Handbook
Copyright © The Boys’ Brigade Safety Handbook – September 2005
2.9. Internet, Chat Rooms & Mobile Phone Technology
Care must be taken in using PCs for BB activities with access to the Internet which is provided by
the Company to children and young people. Control software should be installed to monitor
website viewing and to restrict access to appropriate sites. Chat rooms on BB Company websites
are to be discouraged.
Leaders should make sure themselves familiar with Internet and chat room protocols for young
people, and mobile phone code of good practice for the new forms of content on mobile phones,
i.e. mobile Internet access (WAP), text messaging (SMS), multimedia messaging (MMS),
camera/video facilities, games and chat functions (see websites given below).
Any malicious communications should be referred to your Company Captain and the service
Bullying by mobile phone is a relatively new phenomenon and must be followed up.
Appendix 2 – BBUK advice on web site photos
A number of companies operate their own web sites and includes pictures of boys engaged in
various activities. Boys should not normally be identified by name and in no circumstances should addresses be given. However, in cases of awards it may be desirable to give names as in local press reports. Whilst there is no legal requirement for parental permission to be obtained for photographs of boys to be used it is a matter of good practice that the views of parents are taken into account.
A brief statement has been included on the Annual Consent Form:
‘It is possible that BB members may appear in photographs of company activities that will be
used for publicity purposes (church magazine, company newsletter, local newspaper, BB
website etc.) care will be taken to ensure that addresses of individuals are not given but if you
would prefer your child not to be included in such photographs please indicate below.’
If individual boys indicate they do not wish to appear in photographs, their wishes must be respected.